Monday 10 August 2015

Nescafe Coffee Sachets

This week I was asked by The Soup to try out and review the new range of Nescafe Coffee flavours. They sent me a HUGE box of coffee's - about 50+ sachets, in Vanilla, Caramel, an Cuppachino flavours to share around with all my workmates and friends.

Everybody loves coffee, but these new Nescafe flavours put a new twist on an old favourite. Heating up my kettle, I chose to try out the Caramel first (has now become my favourite). I found that the sachets are made for a larger cup, or you could use half a sachet in a smaller cup. To my surprise I found that even before I added any milk my drink was super frothy! Add milk, and wow, it was so frothy and smooth! Great for those people who like coffee but don't want a super strong taste. Normally i find with sachet drinks that they never mix in properly and leave lumps of powder that are hard to break up, but I didn't have this issue with, the powder blended in quickly and smoothly with no noticeable lumps left!

Nescafe is still running its sampling campaign so if you would like to try some yourself follow this link: Nescafe Sample   - But be quick, because I don't know how many more samples they have left!

The caramel was a nice twist to the coffee, it didn't overpower the coffee flavour but added something extra.
The cuppachino flavour was a more traditional flavour - but still very creamy, so no need to add any extra froth.
The Vanilla coffee flavour was a very smooth flavour with a hint of coffee undertone, which I found even my non-coffee-drinking friend liked!

These new creamy coffee flavours are going to become a regular in my shopping trolley. Smooth, Creamy, and full of flavour. I loved it, and all my friends and people i shared it with loved it also - definitely worth trying!