Tuesday 30 June 2015

Nudie Juice

This sample was sent to me courtesy of my friends at Contagious Network.
As far as juice goes, I tend to purchase whatever is cheaper at the time and still tastes good I've never been one to buy the organic juiced simply because they're so much more expensive and I wasn't convinced that they would taste any better

Firstly I should note that I was sent this sample specifically to give to my kids, and to share with my friends children, however adults drink juice out of boxes too right? Yep, they might have kiddie designs on the boxes, but they're easy to grab on the way out the door to work. (Hey i've even been known to have a go at the puzzles on the back of the box in my lunch break)
Nudie juice is advertising their claim to fame as having nothing but pure fruit juice in every box, with no added water, and i did notice that there are no ingredients listed on the box. Although I'm not so sure how accurate that claim to fame is, because the juices look quite processed, and certainly look, and taste nothing like what I can produce in my juicer machine with 'just pure fruit.' But they still taste quite alright, and the kids will happily drink them, so that's always a bonus. Although the apple and blackcurrent flavour is extremely bitter and not so great tasting
However, having said that the size of these packages is quite different to the traditional 'Prima' style juice box, and it doesn't fit as nicely in the traditional style Tupperware kids lunch boxes, it takes up quite an amount of room being so tall.
Another complaint against nudie juice is the straw. While the straw its-self is nice and easy to use, you simply pull the clear part of the straw out until it 'clicks' into place with the white part of the straw and viola you have an extended straw; But, the holes in the top of the pack are quite small, and they only just fit the size of the straw. This i presume is to stop little kids being able to squeeze the box and make a mess with juice coming out of the straw hole, but it also means that it can be quite hard to get the last little bit of juice out of the box, especially for little children who havn't quite mastered the art of sucking strongly, and as a result, they tend to leave about a centimeter of juice in the bottom of the box, (which then later spills out into the bin making a sticky mess).

The Verdict: The juices taste pretty good, and the kids love the games on the back of the box, however they aren't readily available in all supermarkets yet, and are currently only available in the chilled sections of select Woolworths stores. I would definitely consider buying these for the kids.

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