Saturday 11 April 2015

Billie Goat Soap (Original)

This sample was sent to me by Pinchme.
One of the first things that comes to mind when I think of soap is the smell. The first time I smelt the Billie Goat Soap, I found it to be quite a different smell, almost milky, but very pleasant; definitely something I could use every day. After reading the instructions on the box, I noted that this soap was to be 'stored away from the flow of water,' to which I thought yeah yeah, it doesn't make that much of a difference to the life of the soap if it gets splashes. (Turns out I was very wrong, but we'll get to that later.) Using the soap for the first time, I was quite surprised to find that once in contact with water the soap becomes very 'slimy' not, just slippery like your average soap, but a very gooey constancy. This in its self wasn't so much of a problem, it just takes some getting used to, and after a while, it actually becomes a pleasant sensation. After using the soap for about a week, I found that my skin was softer than normal, and I stopped having any issues with sensitive skin. As an added bonus, I also found that if I used the soap on sensitive areas after shaving, (such as legs) I didn't come out with any razor burn, or lumps on my skin.
Now, back to where you store the soap, because this soap gets so gooey in contact with water, it literally drips goo on the shower floor if it is stored where it can be splashed. and if you keep it with your regular soap where it may get a little bit of spray, your soap will have dissapeared and dripped allover your shower floor in less than 7 days. Which makes the soap bad value for money, considering it costs around $9 per block. The solutions I cam up with was having a shower caddy sit up higher than the shower head, and storing the soap there. (doing this has allowed to soap to last about a month). Overall I absolutely love this soap, and its something I now cant live without, however, it can be hard to find a retailer. I personally buy online, but you may be lucky and be able to buy this product in a store near you.

Verdict: This soap makes your skin feel great, it soothes and reduces the appearance of razor burn and doubles as a moisturiser. Its perfect to use on sensitive skin and has a beautifully unique smell. I would definitely recommend the use of this soap to anybody!

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