Friday 10 April 2015

Pantene Aqua Light Shampoo & Conditioner 

This sample of Pantene Shampoo and Conditioner was from Pinchme.
My hair is pretty normal, I use a hair straightener sometimes, but don't really do anything to damage my hair so have no problems; so I was pretty interested to find out what this 'aqua light' shampoo could do for me.
The first time i used the shampoo I was surprised to find that it was clear! Although being clear and looking like water is great, the look of a shampoo itself won't influence me to buy it. I found that this shampoo made a really easy lather with only a small amount of the shampoo needing to be used, which is something that I like. However, when it came to rinsing out the shampoo I found that my hair felt really 'squeaky' and that it was really 'grippy' to run my fingers through, and felt absolutely awful! You know that sound that people cant stand when fingernails are run down a blackboard.... yeah, that's the feeling I got when touching my hair after rinsing the shampoo. Keen to get rid of the horrid feeling I quickly followed by using the conditioner, which I left soaking in my hair for a few minutes, just to make sure I got rid of the gross feeling left by the shampoo. After rinsing out the conditioner, (which seemed to take forever to rinse out ), and drying my hair, I found that it didn't feel any to different to my regular shampoo, (which is just a supermarket brand).

After giving my hair a day to see how it felt, I found that it felt very greasy, more so than normal. So in the spirit of giving the shampoo a proper trial I washed my hair with it again and had the same result, feeling really yuck after washing out the shampoo, and being really greasy at the end of the day. I think its safe to say, I'll be discontinuing use, and not buying this product in the future, it's really not for me.

Verdict: Made hair greasy after only one day. However, even if this shampoo did work better than my regular shampoo, I wouldn't use it simply because I hate how my hair feels after rinsing out the shampoo. 

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